No. 18 (2018)
Metaphysics and Theory ok Knowledge

The physiological dimension of being-in-the-world. An inquiry into the Heideggerian understanding of corporeality

Hernán Javier Candiloro
Published November 6, 2018
How to Cite
Candiloro, H. J. (2018). The physiological dimension of being-in-the-world. An inquiry into the Heideggerian understanding of corporeality. Bajo Palabra, (18).



Heidegger has been criticized for his supposed “forgetting of the body”. However, from an attentive reading it is possible to trace an understanding of the body that, although implicit, is practically omnipresent in his thought. It is, therefore, a corporeality that determines originally the being-in-the-world -the living body- and not a physical body, an intramundane entity conceived anthropologically. In this context, the present article aims to reconstruct the Heideggerian understanding of corporeality and demonstrate its importance within the framework of existential analytic.

Keywords: body, world, feeling, organism, prosthesis, hunger.


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