No. 18 (2018)
Metaphysics and Theory ok Knowledge

Review of the key of Franz Brentano’s psychology: the agent intellect

Juan Fernando Sellés
Universidad de Navarra Pamplona –Navarra- (España)
Published November 6, 2018
How to Cite
Sellés, J. F. (2018). Review of the key of Franz Brentano’s psychology: the agent intellect. Bajo Palabra, (18).



In this work we study the treatment of F. Brentano over the agent intellect in three of his works. We conclude that, for him, it is an immaterial and non-cognitive ‘power’ of the human soul, an ‘active force’ not pre-existent to it, but subsisting with it post-mortem; Its role is abstractive, not activation of the possible intellect, reason or intelligence.

Keywords: F. Brentano, agent intellect, psychology, non-cognitive immaterial power of the human soul.


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