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Author Guidelines



The journal Bajo Palabra publishes quality, original articles on themes within the field of humanities, especially work of a philosophical character. It also admits thesis reports, philosophical dissertations, book reviews of philosophical interest and course, congress and conference reviews. Bajo Palabra is open to students and researchers from any university who want to share their research with other interested academics. The journal issues one volume each year.


Guidelines to submit papers


1. Articles should be written in Spanish or English, and should not exceed a maximum of 15 pages (bibliography and footnotes included), book reviews should be between 2 and 4 pages, and research project reports between 5 and 8 pages.


2. Originals should be presented in Word Perfect or Word for Pc formats in an editable version. Font format used should be Times New Roman 12, justified, and with 1.5 line spacing.


3. Submitted originals should be signed with the author’s name and last name, and should indicate academic level, workplace, e-mail and/or personal Web page. When the original is signed by more than one author, the journal will respect the order choice made by the authors.


4. The editorial board reserves the right to publish or not received contributions and to decide on the number of contributions that will appear. The evaluation process is conducted by an external scientific board of qualified researchers of the field. The authors who collaborate in one issue will receive a copy of the journal.


5. Every submitted article should present its title, a six-line abstract, and a list of key words both in English and Spanish.


6. Bibliographic references and footnotes should be numbered consecutively. Quotes should be presented in inverted comas (“…”). When possible, authors should include the following bibliographic information: Author, title of the work and/or journal, edition [this information is not required for first editions, incunabula, etc.], publisher, and date of publication, or periodical publication details (volume, number, date, etc.), followed by information about the location the chapter, paragraph, page, etc. if there are quoted passages.

6.1. Bibliographic references should be given in full the first time following this model: Last name, Name, “Chapter”, Work’ title, Edition’s city, Publisher, Year, pages. For example: Ortega y Gasset, J., “Lo que dijo a Goethe un capitán”, Meditaciones del Quijote, Madrid, Revista de Occidente en Alianza Editorial, 2001, pp. 51-54.

6.2. If this reference is repeated again, it will suffice to write: author, work’s title, op. cit., and page number. For example: Ortega y Gasset, J., Meditaciones del Quijote, op. cit., p. 106.

6.3. When the repetition is immediate, only de page number has to be specified as follow: Ibid., p. 15.

6.4. When not only the work’s title is repeated but referred page number is repeated too, the footnote should say “Idem.”.

6.5. Brackets [] should be used when personal additions are included within a quote. They should also be used for suspension points to express omissions within a quote […].


7. Bibliography: The consulted bibliography –comprising only the references which are actually used in the article's text– must be appended at the end of the article, arranged in alphabetical order by surname and name of the author. If several works of the same author are quoted, the author's surname and name must appear repeatedly at each one of this author's entries.


8. DOI and Crossref: All references quoted in the article must include their corresponding DOI (Digital Object Identifier) - together with a valid, active access link, in case they have it - at the end of the other bibliographic data of the item in the bibliography. Example: Author, “Title of the article”, Title of the magazine, volume (number), year, pp-pp. doi: xx:xxxxxxxxxx.

To check if a bibliographical reference has a DOI or not, the website of offers a "Simple Text Query" tool (, which allows searching both for single items and for whole blocks of bibliographic items by simply entering the whole bibliography. This tool is entirely free of charge; however, it is necessary to register on in order to get access to DOI information. The usage of this tool is very simple and instructions for it are given on the website itself. In order to search DOI information for the whole bibliography of an article, we suggest to copy the bibliography as a block and paste it into the text field of crossref's "Simple Text Query" tool; in most cases, the tool will return the bibliography completed with the additional DOI information for all the items included on it. After this, the only remaining step to perform is to select those search results, copy them to the clipboard, and update the article's bibliography by just pasting the search results over it.


Originals should be sent by email to:



Evaluation Process and Originals’ Selection:


  1. Originals should be sent to the above-mentioned e-mail address before the 30th of November of each year.
  1. The journal will acknowledge the reception of papers to the authors, but will not correspond again with them until the final decision. 
  1. The coordination team will send originals to editorial and scientific board anonymously to proceed for its evaluation. Two external experts will be involved in the evaluation process of each original, and will evaluate its originality, relevance, and quality. After the evaluation, a confidential report is produced to assess the suitability of the publication. This report contains comments, and in some cases, they will be transmitted to the authors in order to make corrections.
  1. The journal’s secretary will transmit the reasoned decision of the editorial and scientific board, thus ensuring the anonymity of the process. The journal’s secretary will also communicate the foreseeable date of publication. When necessary, the secretary will contact the authors with suggestions and comments in order to meet the journal’s requirements.




The scientific board will take into consideration all the originals that it will receive, but doesn’t promise to give them back neither to correspond with authors, unless under requirement.

The editorial board of Bajo Palabra is not responsible for the opinions expressed in the journal by its collaborators.

Submitted originals should not have already been published nor be in the process of being published. After their publication in Bajo Palabra, authors will have the right to reproduce them but indicating always the place of its original appearance.

Privacy Statement

Los nombres y las direcciones de correo electrónico introducidos en esta revista se usarán exclusivamente para los fines establecidos en ella y no se proporcionarán a terceros o para su uso con otros fines.