Evaluating the use of metallic flint knapping tools in Southern Patagonia through microscopic wear
micro-wear analysis, glass and obsidian, technological stigmas, metal, experimental studiesAbstract
Ethnographic and ethnohistorical information, at least from the stories of navigators and scientific expeditions from the late eighteenth century and throughout the nineteenth century (por ej. King 1839, Fitz-Roy 1839, Hyades and Denniker 1891), through the ethnographic monographs of Early twentieth century (por ej. Gusinde 1982 [1931]), as well as some archaeological data from the post-contact period with Europeans (Legoupil 1989, Mansur and Pique 2012, Parmigiani et al., 2013), account for the use of materials from the West, such as metal or glass, obtained directly or indirectly by the native populations of southern Patagonia for the preparation of a variety of tools.
In this context, the main objective of this work is to present the preliminary results of an experimental program that is being developed to study the technological footprints produced by the use of metal compressor in the work of formatting various pressure artifacts. Our objective is to identify the macroscopic and microscopic diagnostic criteria of the use of these size tools, and be able to differentiate them from those produced by compressors of bone or antler and wood. We have used two raw materials present in different archaeological contexts of post-contact moment in Southern Patagonia Batchelor 1, Punta Baja 1 and Ewan: obsidian and glass respectively, which have very similar properties for the size. We analyze macro and microscopically the traces produced in the retouched artifacts and carvings, as well as some of their technical attributes.
In general terms we have been able to observe a greater amount of damage (abrasion, grooves, cracks and crushing) both in the manufactured instruments and in the heels of the micro-flakes obtained in the size when using the metallic compressors. Likewise, observable metal residues were identified both at low magnifications (magnifying glass) and at high magnifications (microscope) in a significant percentage of the artifacts.
The results obtained will serve for the interpretation of the lithic assemblies of the aforementioned sites. In them the technique of pressure for the manufacture of instruments is represented.
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