No. 14 (2020): Aniversario LAEX


Roeland Paardekooper
Portada del número 14 del Boletín de Arqueología Experimental
Published September 21, 2021


Experimental archaeology, Europe
How to Cite
Roeland Paardekooper. (2021). EXPERIMENTAL ARCHEOLOGY: WHO PRACTICES IT, WHAT IS ITS UTILITY?. Bulletin of Experimental Archaeology, (14), 60–82.


The time that experimental archaeology was confined to purely scientific exercises with a clear hypothesis, workflow and outcome is gone. Experimental archaeology is a versatile tool that connects museums, universities, societies and freelancers. If some parts of these cooperative activities are better structured, the added value of experimental archaeology is enormous. This article quotes many experimental archaeologists and their opinion about the profession.

 There are several activities, which pop up each time when there is talk about experimental archaeology, like archaeotechnique, making reconstructions and life experiments. While these are valuable activities, they have their own purpose and are different from experimental archaeology per se. But sSome of the best experimental archaeologists are engineers or craftspeople, cooperating with archaeologists. Starting out from the scientific realm, experimental archaeology is an approach to the archaeological record, which starts with good research into the primary sources. This is followed by setting up and testing a hypothesis, an action. This action leaves traces which are then compared with the archaeological record to better understand the hypothesised action from the past. Experimental archaeology has become an important tool to help understand the archaeological past. Thanks to the extensive number of experiments, we are coming closer to understanding how life may have been in the past. 


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