No. 14 (2020): Aniversario LAEX


Beatriz Comendador Rey
Universidad de Vigo
Aaron Lackinger
Universidad de Vigo
Elin Figueiredo
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
Portada del número 14 del Boletín de Arqueología Experimental
Published September 21, 2021


Archaeometallurgy, Experimental, Experiential, Didactics, Prehistory
How to Cite
Comendador Rey, B., Lackinger, A. ., & Figueiredo, E. (2021). IN THE HEAT OF FIRE: DIDACTICS THROUGH EXPERIMENTAL AND EXPERIENTIAL ARCHEOMETALLURGY . Bulletin of Experimental Archaeology, (14), 18–36.


In this paper, we resume several actions in the field of prehistoric Archeometallurgy and Experimental Archaeology. These actions has been to promote both academic and didactic research, either in different educational contexts. Most actions, activities focused in the familiarization with the main aspects of the theoretical copper-based and iron production operative chains. These activities provided participants with basic theoretical and empirical tools for the understanding of metallurgical processes in prehistory. The learning through technological recreation provided an active participation in the processes, offering an experiential acquisition.


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