No. 14 (2020): Aniversario LAEX


Rodrigo Alonso-Alcalde
Museo de la Evolución Humana
Marcos Terradillos-Bernal
Universidad Internacional Isabel I de Castilla
Portada del número 14 del Boletín de Arqueología Experimental
Published September 21, 2021


Historiography, Atapuerca, education, cultural tourism
How to Cite
Alonso-Alcalde, R., & Terradillos-Bernal, M. . (2021). ATAPUERCA AND THE ORIGINS OF EXPERIMENTAL ARCHEOLOGY. RESEARCH, EDUCATION AND DISSEMINATION OF OUR PAST . Bulletin of Experimental Archaeology, (14), 4–17.


This article expresses the relationship that the archaeological sites of Sierra de Atapuerca have had with Experimental Archeology. Its study focuses on three aspects. The first one links the application of experimental programs in scientific research since the first works began in the archaeological sites. The second one is related to the implementation of this discipline in the universities related to the Atapuerca Project. In this one, it has been made a study of the involvement of these centers holding congresses and workshops directly related to Experimental Archeology in recent years. Finally, the last aspect shows the importance that this discipline has had in the dissemination and development of cultural tourism linked to these sites.


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