No. 13 (2018)

Manufacture of a Magdalenian harpoon: traces of the process and use through Experimental Archaeology

Beatriz Ugarte Villalba
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Published June 25, 2019


harpoon, Upper Magdalenian, manufacture, traceology, Experimental Archaeology
How to Cite
Ugarte Villalba, B. (2019). Manufacture of a Magdalenian harpoon: traces of the process and use through Experimental Archaeology. Bulletin of Experimental Archaeology, (13), 85–102.


The purpose of this paper is documenting the traces found in a Magdalenian harpoon after its manufacture through Experimental Archaeology, in order to differentiate them from the traces of use in archaeological harpoons. In addition, we intend to generate traces of the string in the horn as they have been found in harpoons such as those of El Horno (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria).


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