No. 13 (2018)

Are we going on playing when talking about Experimental Archaeology?

Javier Baena Presley
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Concepción Torres Navas
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Antoni Palomo
Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya
Published June 25, 2019


Experimental Archaeology, society, diffusion, expertise.
How to Cite
Baena Presley, J., Torres Navas, C., & Palomo, A. (2019). Are we going on playing when talking about Experimental Archaeology?. Bulletin of Experimental Archaeology, (13), 1–8.


In this contribution, we present a recent reflection about the value and sense of using experiments inside the archaeological research. From our discipline, Experimental Archeology has been consolidated in many scientific works, as well as in numerous centers destined to use Experimental archaeology for the dissemination of our discipline. However, we still suffer many problems mainly focus on the recognition of the value of technical and technological experience within the application of this discipline.


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