No. 16 (2023)


Ezequiel Ignacio García-Municio
Published October 30, 2023


Mesopotamia, sickles, clay, pottery, agriculture
How to Cite
García-Municio, E. I. (2023). MOWING WITH CLAY: THE SICKLES OF ANCIENT MESOPOTAMIA. Bulletin of Experimental Archaeology, (16).




The hunter gatherer realized that he needed new tools. Advances were slow and took place over hundreds of years. The trial and error in some tools would let to choose those that give the best results. One of the first tools where the sickles to collect wild seeds. The manufacture was adapted in each place to the available material, and it is possible that they have a different elaboration depending on the area. Mesopotamia was one of the places where this advance happened. In this region, the most abundant material was clay. From academic documentation and archaeological remains we know that sickles were made with the cited material. In this experimental work, the performance of these first sickles will be manufactured and tested.


KEY WORDS: Mesopotamia, sickles, clay


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