Vol. 29 (2020)

4. Fossorial mammals and site formation processes on the eastern Pampean-Patagonian border (Buenos Aires province, Argentina): New insights from the El Tigre archaeological site.

Published July 29, 2020


How to Cite
ALCARÁZ, A. P., STOESSEL, L., & MARTÍNEZ, G. (2020). 4. Fossorial mammals and site formation processes on the eastern Pampean-Patagonian border (Buenos Aires province, Argentina): New insights from the El Tigre archaeological site. Archaeofauna, 29, 59–75. https://doi.org/10.15366/archaeofauna2020.29.004


This paper presents the faunal analyses carried on a newly excavated sector at El Tigre site (Patagones, Argentina). Unlike the first excavation, which evidenced archaeologi- cal integrity of the assemblage, the newly excavated area evidenced highly disturbed stratigra- phy, with burrows and galleries suggestive of the activity of fossorial animals. An analysis of taphonomic trajectories and site formation processes was conducted to identify the disturbing agents and assess the nature of the disturbances they caused on the faunal assemblages. These analyses revealed armadillos to be the agents causing such disturbances. Still, although their action impacted heavily on the distribution of materials through the stratigraphic sequence and on the distinctiveness of boundaries across units, they barely altered the faunal composition and preservation of remains.


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