No. 18 (2009): Archeaofauna

The mongoose of the Cave of Nerja, southern Spain, is not the oldest Egyptian mongoose of Europe

Marco Masseti
dell’Università di Firenze
Portada del volumen 18 de ARCHAEOFAUNA
Published October 1, 2009


MONGOOSE, Herpestes ichneumon, SARDINIA, PUNIC
How to Cite
Masseti, M. (2009). The mongoose of the Cave of Nerja, southern Spain, is not the oldest Egyptian mongoose of Europe. Archaeofauna, (18), 65–68. Retrieved from


This note comments on a find of the european mongoose (Herpestes ichneumon
L., 1758) from a cistern of punic age on the island of Sant’Antioco (Sardinia, Italy) that antedates
a recently radiocarbon dated find ofAlmoravid-Almohad age at the site of Cueva de Nerja
(Málaga, Spain) by close to two millennia.


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