No. 18 (2009): Archeaofauna

Animal remains from predynastic sites in the Nagada region, Middle Egypt

Achilles Gautier
Ghent University
Wim Van Neer
2Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Portada del volumen 18 de ARCHAEOFAUNA
Published October 3, 2009


Archaeozoology, Egypt, Predysnastic, Neolithisation
How to Cite
Gautier, A., & Van Neer, W. (2009). Animal remains from predynastic sites in the Nagada region, Middle Egypt. Archaeofauna, (18), 27–50. Retrieved from


Faunal samples from excavations between 1974 and 1981 in predynastic sites and a late predynastic/early dynastic cemetery in the Nagada region are inventoried. The faunal spectra compare well with those of other neolithic and predynastic sites of Nilotic Egypt. They point to agrarian communities relying mainly on fishing and livestock, as also suggested by most other known sites of the same neolithic and predynastic contexts. The neolithisation of the Nile Valley is an earlier event, perhaps coeval with and related to the origin and development of the complex pastoralist Late Neolithic of Nabta and the Western Desert.


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