No. 20 (2011): Archaeofauna

Análisis de las acumulaciones óseas de una guarida de pequeños mamíferos carnívoros (Sitjar Baix, Onda, Castellón): implicaciones arqueológicas

Alfred Sanchis Serra
Museu de Prehistòria de València
Josep Lluís Pascual Benito
Museu de Prehistòria de València
Portada del Volumen 20 de ARCHAEOFAUNA
Published October 1, 2011


Den, Small carnivores, Lagomorphs, Bone accumulations, Actualistic Studies
How to Cite
Sanchis Serra, A., & Pascual Benito, J. L. (2011). Análisis de las acumulaciones óseas de una guarida de pequeños mamíferos carnívoros (Sitjar Baix, Onda, Castellón): implicaciones arqueológicas. Archaeofauna, (20), 47–71.


A study of a sub-recent bone collection recovered on a small carnivore den located near the archaeological site of Sitjar Baix (Onda, Castellón) is presented. the bones show no digestion traces, but toothmarks indicate that the den functioned as a resting place where the prey was transported and consumed but where the predators did not defecate. the features of the site, the spectrum of prey and the retrieval of a fox skull on the surface of the deposit is consistent with the opportunistic behaviour of this canid. the sample, featuring rabbit as the most abundant species, provides interesting data for the interpretation of archaeological lagomorph bone deposits.


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