No. 21 (2012): Archaeofauna

Intensificación en el sur de Mendoza: un enfoque avifaunístico

Miguel Ángel Giardina
Portada del volumen 21 de ARCHAEOFAUNA
Published October 1, 2012


Avifaunal Record, southern Mendoza, Late Holocene
How to Cite
Giardina, M. Ángel. (2012). Intensificación en el sur de Mendoza: un enfoque avifaunístico. Archaeofauna, (21), 219–234.


In the present paper the meaning of the avian fauna is approached, discussing it´s temporal pattern in terms of pre-Hispanic human diet breath variation in Mendoza. using temporal and spatial variables of NTAXA, diversity index, heterogeneity and camelid index, the behavior represented on the different samples analyzed is evaluated. understanding the intensification as a process that generates an increase in the amount of energy obtained per surface area, it is proposed a tendency in the zooarcheological record with an increase in diversity ca. 2000 years BP. This growth in taxa diversity has been interpreted as an increase in diet breath as a product of a process of regional intensification. However, this tendency has not been verified in all southern Mendoza’s ecosystems.


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