No. 21 (2012): Archaeofauna

El uso de los recursos faunísticos entre los cazadores-recolectores de Patagonia: tendencias espacio/temporales de las estrategias durante el Holoceno

Laura Miotti
Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Portada del volumen 21 de ARCHAEOFAUNA
Published October 1, 2012


Intensification, Extensification, Boost of the resources, Archaeofauna, Patagonia, Late Holocene
How to Cite
Miotti, L. (2012). El uso de los recursos faunísticos entre los cazadores-recolectores de Patagonia: tendencias espacio/temporales de las estrategias durante el Holoceno. Archaeofauna, (21), 139–162.


In Argentina, the problem of increased resources have been treated more profoundly in recent years in others regions. in this paper we analyze the problem latitudinal regions, with the final result in the only sector of Patagonia we could refer cases to a standard archaeological intensification is in North Patagonia, while central-southern Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego island The model that best meets the empowerment of resources. The search for variables and processes allows us to suggest that the history of intensification/extensification varies significantly in different areas specific to the late Holocene, which means we can’t use a single model to understanding the archaeological record.


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