No. 23 (2014): Archaeofauna

La malacofauna marina del poblado de la Eedad del Bronce des Cap de Barbaria II (Formentera, Islas Baleares)

Benjamín Costa
Museu d’Eivissa i Formentera
Jordi H. Fernández
Museu d’Eivissa i Formentera
Portada del volumen 23 de ARCHAEOFAUNA
Published June 1, 2014


Prehistory, Pitiussae Islands, Diet, Marine Resources, Gastropods
How to Cite
Marlasca Martín, R., Costa, B., & Fernández, J. H. (2014). La malacofauna marina del poblado de la Eedad del Bronce des Cap de Barbaria II (Formentera, Islas Baleares). Archaeofauna, (23), 193–205.


In this paper we present the remains from a village of the Bronze Age in the island of Formentera. These are comparable with those recovered from the Cova des Riuets and reflect the importance of marine gastropod consumption and that of marine resources in the diet of its residents and of the populations that inhabited the Pitiussae Islands in general, who endured a tough environment with very few natural resources.


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