No. 23 (2014): Archaeofauna

Análisis arqueomalacológico de tres contextos rituales de la necrópolis púnica de Cádiz

Eduardo M. Mesa Hernández
Universidad de La Laguna
Ana María Niveau de Villedary y Mariñas
Universidad de Cádiz
Portada del volumen 23 de ARCHAEOFAUNA
Published June 1, 2014


Archaeomalacology, Necropolis, Ritual, Phoenicianpunic, Cadiz
How to Cite
Mesa Hernández, E. M., & Niveau de Villedary y Mariñas, A. M. (2014). Análisis arqueomalacológico de tres contextos rituales de la necrópolis púnica de Cádiz. Archaeofauna, (23), 69–88.


The malacological sample which has been studied belongs to three different ritual contexts of the Barcid period (late 3rd century B.C.) of the late Phoenician-Punic Necropolis in Cadiz. Archeological research has evidenced a frequency in the offering of marine animals in the Phoenician-Punic Necropolis in Cadiz, which has been interpreted either as a food gift or as part of a ceremonial banquet. Our research tries to examine in depth the debate concerning the real meaning of these remains in a ritual Phoenician-Punic context. From the analyzed samples, two different types of production have been distinguished, each one evidencing a different ritual sense. On the one hand, the remains derived from food production and, on the other hand, those that represent an economic-symbolic meaning, which imply the possible standardization of a Phoenician-Punic funerary rite.


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