Vol. 33 No. 1 (2024)

Comparison of two rapid zooarchaeological recording systems and their interpretative results through Multivariate Presence. Advantages and disadvantages

Published January 11, 2024


zooarcheology, recording methods, presence multivariate, arqueometry, bronze age, la mancha occidental, motilla del azuer
How to Cite
Beltrán Ruiz, A., & Arenas Gallego, L. M. (2024). Comparison of two rapid zooarchaeological recording systems and their interpretative results through Multivariate Presence. Advantages and disadvantages. Archaeofauna, 33(1), 139–158. https://doi.org/10.15366/archaeofauna2024.33.1.008


This paper compares two methods of rapid processing of the taxonomic record with a third, more exhaustive and slower method, in order to check to what extent their use may be appropriate in the absence of time. The results obtained on a sample from the site of Motilla del Azuer belonging to the Bronze Age of La Mancha suggest that there are variations according to the methodology applied and that the size of the species and their remains are an intrinsic part of this variation. Multivariate Presentiality (MVP) is also included as a tool to minimise the over-representations that can generate basic parameters such as: Number of Individual Specimen, Minimum Number of Individuals and Weight when we base the interpretation on only one of these in isolation.


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