Imagining the people / (dis)mounting the Cold war. Notes around La rabbia (1963), by Pier Paolo Pasolini
Gramsci, De Martino, Pasolini, La rabbia, Dialectical image, Gesture, PiantoCopyright (c) 2019 Jaime Vindel Gamonal

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This article traces the meaning of this film in the context of the Italian culture at the beginning of the sixties. To do so, it briefly returns to the genesis of anti-fascism movement and, more particularly, of the thought of Antonio Gramsci in the interwar period. Then, it ana- lyzes the way in which both the work of the anthropolo- gist Ernesto de Martino and the trajectory of Pasolini are stressed by their relationship with the Gramscian legacy. Later, it explains in detail the historical under- standing of La rabbia in dialogue with the concepts of “dialectical image” (Walter Benjamin) and “gesture” (Giorgio Agamben), highlighting the way in which both materialise in the Pasolini film the fracture with the Gramscian idea of Marxism as a modern moral reform. Finally, those arguments are related to the approach to the peasant cultures through the politics of the rebel- lious pianto, crossing the anthropological studies of De Martino, the poetics of Pasolini and the construction of a film semiotics of the subalternity.
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