Copyright (c) 2015 Anuario del Departamento de Historia y Teoría del Arte
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The Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Centro de Documentación para la Historia de Madrid have organized the I Curso de Especialización en Historia Urbana (February-April, 1991-1992) as a consequence of the Madrid Capital Europea de la Cultura 1992 being to celebrate. In such Course a biannual Monography is integrated entitled Madrid en su arquitectura (I: Siglo XIX y II: Siglo XX), which I have been teaching up to date. I have thought it would be interesting to publish the Bibliografía I have created for those courses, as it is both my wish and that of the Departamento de Historia y Teoría del Arte, that all attendants and future investigators may get a benefit when searching and studying the modern Madrid architecture. As I informed on presenting my previous "Bibliografía básica de arquitectura moderna española" (in this same "Anu. Dep. Hist. Teor. Arte." Vol. I, 1989), which then referred to XX Century, studies about XIX Century have also been generally done by the same architects (Teodoro de Anasagasti, Luis Mª Cabello Lapiedra, Fernando Chueca Goitia, Modesto López Otero, Enrique Mª Repullés...), who have obtained a joint venture with art historicians thus contributing from the Spanish University, to gather studies and knowledge of a non well evaluated period (Julio Arrechea, Clementina Díez de Baldeón, Carmen Giménez, Javier Hernando, Angel Isac, Carlos Saguar, Carlos Sambricio and above they all, Pedro Navascués, who had an important professional career from his very first play, which is considered a classic, "Arquitectura y arquitectos madrileños del siglo XIX", 1973).