Vol. 10 (1998): Vol. 9-10: 1997-1998

La otra cara de la Ilustración: La formación artística y la cultura del grabador Manuel Salvador Carmona a través del inventario de sus bienes (1778)

Published December 2, 1998
How to Cite
Blanco Mozo, J. L. (1998). La otra cara de la Ilustración: La formación artística y la cultura del grabador Manuel Salvador Carmona a través del inventario de sus bienes (1778). Anuario Del Departamento De Historia Y Teoría Del Arte, 10, 277–312. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/anuario/article/view/2528


We have been able to study the artistical education and culture of the engraver Manuel Salvador Carmona through his patrimonial goods at 1778. His French country house marked deeply his artistic career. In Paris he learned from the main engravers of the French school of the XVIIth Century and from the artists who led the Fine Arts in the 1750's, with Cochin junior at the head. On an ideological sphere he received the influences of the French freethinking. The possession of prohibited books, his friendship with the French engraver Choffard and his membership to the "Real Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos del País" placed him in a difficult position within the Enlightenment context -of what we understand to be the other side of the Enlightenment- together with some other artists such as Ventura Rodríguez, his nephew Manuel Martín Rodríguez, Luis Paret or Benito Bails.


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