Copyright (c) 2015 Anuario del Departamento de Historia y Teoría del Arte
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Juan Sánchez Barba was trained at his brother-in-law's (Antonio de Herrera) workshop as a specialist in image carving. After close collaboration with this expert till the early 1630's, he started up his own workshop. Thus he made a name for himself in the Madrid artistic market thanks to his craftsmanship. He worked mostly on orders for devotional sculptures ordered by private customers and some members of the guild. He also worked intensely for both the architects and the assemblers in charge of building the main altarpieces. His sculptures of the Passion of Christ gave him a well-deserved reputation in mid-seventeenth century Madrid. In this respect, an attempt has been made to put his works in order by analyzing the pieces that have been attributed to him in recent years. Further information has been also brought to light about some of his unsigned sculptures such as the reclining Christ that is kept at the Parish Church of Navalcarnero.