Vol. 17 (2005)

La iglesia de Santiago de Peñalba y su contexto arquitectónico

Published November 30, 2005
How to Cite
Ito, Y. (2005). La iglesia de Santiago de Peñalba y su contexto arquitectónico. Anuario Del Departamento De Historia Y Teoría Del Arte, 17, 9–20. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/anuario/article/view/2421


The topic studied in this article is the architectural characteristics of the church of Santiago de Peñalba. The chuch is the oly remains of an hermitage which Saint Gennadius founded in El Bierzo, León, at the beginning of the 10th century, and is also one of the best preserved monuments from the Repoblación period of the Duero basin. Though known more generally as an example of mozarabic architecture, this building in fact represents a peculiar intention in contempoary decoration trends within its otherwise conservativ structure. Withouth doubt, there existed an interes toward the splendid art of umayyar Caliphate of Córdoba, but it should be remembered that this interest wen beyond the builders' actua knowledge, as is seen also in other monuments of the Repoblación.


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