Vol. 21 (2009)

“Ante Obitum Mortuus, Post Obitum Vivus”. Zurbarán and the Representation of Saint Francis’ Body

María Cruz de Carlos Varona
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Portada volumen 21
Published November 27, 2009


Francisco de Zurbarán, St. Francis of Assisi, Alter Christus, Incorruptibility, Relics
How to Cite
de Carlos Varona, M. C. (2009). “Ante Obitum Mortuus, Post Obitum Vivus”. Zurbarán and the Representation of Saint Francis’ Body. Anuario Del Departamento De Historia Y Teoría Del Arte, 21, 179–192. https://doi.org/10.15366/anuario2009.21.010


This article discusses the particular example of the representation of the dead body of St. Francis of Assisi as it was contemplated -according to the franciscan tradition- by Pope Nicholas V in order to explore the concept of the saintly body in Hispanic society of the Early Modern period. The article focusses in the depictions of this subject by Francisco de Zurbarán c. 1640-1650, considering them not only an iconographical innovation, but a further step in the early modern elaboration of the idea of the Alter Christus and, due to the particular circumstances of Francis' remains, as substitutes for his original relics.


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