Vol. 25 (2013)

El maestro genovés Juan Luis de Musante (act. 1570-1587) y su presencia en Orihuela. Reflexiones en torno a algunos maestros itinerantes en la segunda mitad del siglo XVI

Universitat de València
Published February 14, 2013


Juan Luis Musante, Renaissance architecture, Plans and Drawings, Orihuela, Murcia Cathedral, Ortega Zimbrón, Juan Angel Bagut
How to Cite
GÓMEZ-FERRER LOZANO, M. (2013). El maestro genovés Juan Luis de Musante (act. 1570-1587) y su presencia en Orihuela. Reflexiones en torno a algunos maestros itinerantes en la segunda mitad del siglo XVI. Anuario Del Departamento De Historia Y Teoría Del Arte, 25, 43–60. https://doi.org/10.15366/anuario2013.25.003


This article analyses the presence of the genoese architect Juan Luis Musante (act. 1570-1587), known for hisWorks in Cuenca and Navarra, in the city of Orihuela (Alicante). In 1573 and 1574 he is in charge of the planfor the staircase of the town hall and the main chapel ofthe Santiago church, both in the city of Orihuela. At the same time, the contest for being main master of the catedral of Murcia is considered and some other architects suchs as Ortega Zimbron and the italian Juan AngelBagut


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