Maruja Mallo: transformation, mask and identity. Brief analysis of her notebook América Aborigen (1959)
Maruja Mallo, 20th century Spanish art, Exile, Mask, IdentityThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This article deals with the study of the figure of Maruja Mallo, focusing on the analysis of the process of construction of her artistic identity, especially in what refers to the period of the fifties, very slightly studied until now. We analyze the notebook from her personal archive titled América Aborigen (1959), in which the painter reflects on different issues related to American popular culture, essential to understand the artist’s development. We also examine the taste for different fundamental elements in her life such as lies, disguise and, above all, the mask, which we will find throughout her career in very different contexts, but always with symbolisms associated with the transformation of reality or mutability. After developing the ideas raised above, we will reflect on the exaggerated clothing and makeup that Mallo displayed during the seventies and eighties, and its relationship with her artistic thinking.
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