No. 2 (2021)

Poverty, Rabble and Charity in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right

Xabier Najarro Echaniz
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Portada del número 2 de la revista Antítesis
Published December 29, 2021


Poverty, Rabble, Charity, Philosophy of Right, Hegel
How to Cite
Najarro Echaniz, X. (2021). Poverty, Rabble and Charity in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right. Antítesis - Revista Iberoamericana De Estudios Hegelianos, (2), 115–129.


The aim of this article is to deepen into the concepts of poverty, rabble and charity in Hegel´s Philosophy of Right. To this end, the issue of poverty and the emergence of the rabble, as well as their probable similarities and differences are treated first. This is followed by a presentation of the ways Hegel envisages for dealing with poverty, and then, in a separate section, by one of them: charity. Finally, the conclusion contains some considerations on what has been presented on the text.


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