No. 1 (2021)

The Rabble in the Light of Contemporary Interpreters: Ruda and Kristofory

Hernandez Vivan Eichenberger Hernandez
Instituto Federal Catarinense
Portada del número 1 de la revista Antítesis
Published July 26, 2021


Hegel, Ruda, Kristofory, rabble
How to Cite
Hernandez, H. V. E. (2021). The Rabble in the Light of Contemporary Interpreters: Ruda and Kristofory. Antítesis - Revista Iberoamericana De Estudios Hegelianos, (1), 139–164.


The present text seeks to reconstruct the interpretations of Frank Ruda and Tomas Kristofory regarding the concept of rabble outlined in Hegel's Philosophy of Right. Both authors propose fundamentally antipode interpretations whose contrast contributes decisively to clarifying the role of the rabble in the structure of Hegel's thought. After the reconstruction, the criticism is presented to both and, finally, an answer to the same problem is outlined.


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