No. 3 (2022): Monographic: Hegel and the feminine

The feminine in the figure of the sister: Christiane Hegel and Antigone

Nina Auras
Portada del número 3 de la revista Antítesis
Published June 30, 2022


Hegel, Geschwister Komplex, recognition, feminine, Christiane Hegel
How to Cite
Auras, N. (2022). The feminine in the figure of the sister: Christiane Hegel and Antigone. Antítesis - Revista Iberoamericana De Estudios Hegelianos, (3), 49–66.


This article aims to introduce a biographical problem by questioning whether it is really possible to establish a link between Hegel’s interpretation of the play Antigone and his relationship with the sister Christiane, as was intended by several commentators. Highlighted by the elevated place which Hegel concedes to women as sisters, the tragical history of Christiane Hegel has served as an important philosophical analysis element to researchers such as Hoffmeister, Lucas and Derrida. Recently, however, authors like Birkert have tried to recuperate the history of this sister as a whole and establish limits to the biographical interpretations of the feminine in Hegel.


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