Monográfico 3 (2019): José Saramago: Significado(s) de su obra en la cultura actual

"The elephant's journey" as a testamentary text José Saramago from Byumg-Chul Han

Miguel Alberto Koleff
Profesor Titular RegularLiteraturas en Lengua PortuguesaCátedra Libre José Saramago Facultad de Lenguas - Universidad de Córdoba (Argentina)
Published December 30, 2019


testamentary text, philosophy, gravity, death, earthiness.
How to Cite
Koleff, M. A. (2019). "The elephant’s journey" as a testamentary text José Saramago from Byumg-Chul Han. ACTIO NOVA: Revista De Teoría De La Literatura Y Literatura Comparada, (3), 68–80.


The article begins with the understanding that The Elephant's Journeyis a testamentary text and, therefore, seeks to find "features" that, allows it to attribute that character from a reflection supported by the texts of the contemporary Korean philosopher Byung-Chul Han, who works as a counterpoint to a thought about contemporary conditions. The text concludes thinking about the philosophical legacy that Saramago left for its readers, from a thorough examination of the notions of "gravity", "duration" "law of the land" and "death". 


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