No. 2 (2018)

The Ulysses' return from a feminine and demystifying perspective: “Penélope” by Lourdes Ortiz

Sandra Mendoza Vera
Universidad de Murcia. Departamento de Literatura Española. Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada.
Published November 16, 2018


Penelope, Ulysses, comparison, demystifying trend, feminine perspective
How to Cite
Mendoza Vera, S. (2018). The Ulysses’ return from a feminine and demystifying perspective: “Penélope” by Lourdes Ortiz. ACTIO NOVA: Revista De Teoría De La Literatura Y Literatura Comparada, (2), 186–204.


«Penélope», a Lourdes Ortiz’s story which responds to the demystifying trend of the twentieth century literature, is characterized by the rewriting of the odyssey episode of Ulysses’ return, but from the point of view of Penelope, the woman who suffers his absence. That is the reason why our objective is to analyze how this modern story relates to Homer’s epic poem, looking at different elements of Ortiz’s story: the narrative structure, the stylistic figures, the plot, the characterization of the characters and the themes or motifs. Such a comparative analysis reveals that the Odyssey works as a source of content and a structural model for this story, which uses a demystifying and feminine tone to relate the argument of the husband’s return and offers a deeper psychological characterization of Penelope, victim of the oppression.


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