Monográfico 4 (2020): Palabra y atrezzo. Relaciones, hibridación y transferencias entre literatura, audiovisual y escena.

“Northern Exposure” 6/17: theory, literature, and conflicts of interpretation in (a) fiction series

Javier García Rodríguez
Universidad de Oviedo
Portada del monográfico número 4 de Actio Nova
Published December 30, 2020


Northern Exposure, (Teaching of) Theory, (Over)interpretation, Deconstruction, New Criticism, Baseball, Literature, Canon, Fights in Academy., Doctor in Alaska
How to Cite
García Rodríguez, J. (2020). “Northern Exposure” 6/17: theory, literature, and conflicts of interpretation in (a) fiction series. ACTIO NOVA: Revista De Teoría De La Literatura Y Literatura Comparada, (4), 485–515.


«The Graduate» is the 17th episode of the sixth season in the TV series Northern Exposure. The plot shows Chris Stevens facing the defense of his master thesis on Comparative Literature in front of a committee formed by a member of formal-content-based American models («Traditionalist») and by a member of the post-structuralist model («Deconstruccionist»). Stevens’ thesis topic, his theoretical principles, the hermeneutical paradigms and the fights between the scholars are facts which prove the presence of the Theory in both TV fiction and in academic struggles. This article analyzes this episode as a sample of literary theory. And proposes this sample as a profitable way in the teaching of literary theory.


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