The blockbuster film as an analogic genre: "Pacific Rim" and the ambiguity of "trash" taste
Blockbuster, genre theory, literary theory, film theory, kitsch, trashCopyright (c) 2020 Laro del Río Castañeda
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.
Blockbuster films have usually been defined by their economic success. However, we, as citizens nurtured and socialized in the contemporary Western world, are able to distinguish which kind of film is (or might become) a blockbuster without knowing how many millions of dollars it has made nor how many spectators have watched it. Thus, box office receipts cannot be in the center of blockbusters’ definition. In this paper, we aim to inquire into the specificities of this genre and rethink two concepts that have been used to research in mass culture through reception theory: Umberto Eco’s kitsch and Eloy Fernández Porta’s trash. Taking this into account, our main goal will be to outline the unique way blockbuster logic has crystalized into an analogic genre that goes beyond –and does not exactly match with– the classical well-known taxonomies accepted by film theory.
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