Monográfico 4 (2020): Palabra y atrezzo. Relaciones, hibridación y transferencias entre literatura, audiovisual y escena.

Audiovisuals on stage: from multimedia theatre to intermedial theatre through videostage: from multimedia theatre to intermedial theatre through videostage

José Manuel Teira Alcaraz
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Portada del monográfico número 4 de Actio Nova
Published December 30, 2020


audiovisuals, videostage, intermedial theatre, multimedia theatre, dramaturgy
How to Cite
Teira Alcaraz, J. M. (2020). Audiovisuals on stage: from multimedia theatre to intermedial theatre through videostage: from multimedia theatre to intermedial theatre through videostage. ACTIO NOVA: Revista De Teoría De La Literatura Y Literatura Comparada, (4), 129–165.


Contemporary theatre frequently incorporates audiovisuals, which have been used on stage since the invention of the cinematograph. Relations between cinema and theatre, in addition to transpose codes from one to another, have also allowed to transfer its semantics, to the point where the videostage has been configurated as a dramaturgical element in the staging process. This paper aims to analyse how the intersemiotic relations between audiovisual and scenic languages take place when the videostage is included in the theatrical dramaturgy. To do that a brief history of audiovisuals on stage and the terminology in this area are reviewed, which allow to draw conclusions by considering referential productions both Spanish and international.


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