No. 2 (2018)

The ins and outs of the desiring felisbertian subject: between allusions and representation of the sexual act

Daniel Gustavo Gutiérrez
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Published November 16, 2018


Felisberto Hernández, La mujer parecida a mí, allusion, pornographic reading
How to Cite
Gutiérrez, D. G. (2018). The ins and outs of the desiring felisbertian subject: between allusions and representation of the sexual act. ACTIO NOVA: Revista De Teoría De La Literatura Y Literatura Comparada, (2), 205–219.


The poetics of Felisberto Hernández oscillates between the fantastic and the strange literary gender, between the metaphorical and the allusive. His writing manifests the folds of a subjectivity that likes to hide behind the literary mode. The biographical and the imaginary are conforming the internal plot of a narrated world always oriented towards the textual opening. The present work tries to cover a topic that is quite present in the Felisbertian narrative, namely, the topic of sexuality. La mujer parecida a mí (1947) will be the textual field where to investigate a reading in pornographic key of the work articulating it with a reflection on the relationship between literature and representation of the sexual act.


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