No. 1 (2017)


Miguel Salmerón Infante
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Portada del número 1 de Actio Nova
Published December 1, 2017


The mythic, critics, commentary, necessity, choice, marriage, novel, short narration, appearance, truth, beauty, hope
How to Cite
Salmerón Infante, M. (2017). CONSCIOUS AND ANCESTRAL MEMORY IN GOETHE ?S ELECTIVE AFFINITIES. ACTIO NOVA: Revista De Teoría De La Literatura Y Literatura Comparada, (1), 226–245.


The work of Walter Benjamin on Goethe’s Novel The elective affinities is a masterpiece of literary critics. The first part of this work considers the decadence of marriage as a liberation of mythical forces, the second opposes the form novel to the minor form, the short narration, the third part tries to expose the problem of the Hope related to the constellation of Truth and Beauty. Our article attempts a lecture of Benjamin´s work and Goethe´s Novel from the opposition of voluntary memory (the one of culture, choice, volition and marriage) and ancestral memory (the one of nature, necessity, compulsion and elective affinities).


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