Digital humanities, The hour of the reader, The reader as confabulator, Reading as experience, MultisensorialCopyright (c) 2016 ACTIO NOVA: Revista de Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada
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Literary theory must once again open its wings. Digital reading is asking for a place in our cultural podium. It demands its own status, a different one than that of the traditional reading on printed paper. We have to expand the concept of Humanities to the one of Digital Humanities, but sadly enough the majority of the research projects submitted for funding are loaded with requests for hardware and software, and very little is related to improve the interpretation of works of art, the principal task of the humanities. I propose a few ways for developing a new type of reading for the digital age, based on reading as experience, a way of reading that makes us confabulators. The meaning of the words is complemented by the multisensory elements mentioned in the texts, like images, colors and sounds, through the links of the hypertext. Also, we offer a few ways to improve our remembrance of literary digital texts.
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