«We believe only in what is well told». Narrative negotiations of postfactual discourse in «Blanco nocturno» by Ricardo Piglia
Post-truth, neoliberalism, capitalism, conspiracy theories, paranoia, Ricardo Piglia, Blanco nocturnoCopyright (c) 2024 Lina Wilhelms
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The article analyses Ricardo Piglia’s crime novel Blanco nocturno (2010) in the context of the post-truth era, arguing that Piglia’s work explores the economic and political background of a growing culture of mistrust towards official truths. It highlights the role of neoliberalism in the emergence of this post-truth culture and how economic processes, such as financialization and globalisation, can lead to an epistemological crisis. The novel Blanco nocturno is a prime example of how individuals who cling to the promises of modernity can adopt a paranoid attitude in the tension between supposed freedom and actual loss of control.
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