Monográfico 7 (2024): Posverdad y ficción

«We believe only in what is well told». Narrative negotiations of postfactual discourse in «Blanco nocturno» by Ricardo Piglia

Lina Wilhelms
Universidad Bielefeld
Published December 31, 2024


Post-truth, neoliberalism, capitalism, conspiracy theories, paranoia, Ricardo Piglia, Blanco nocturno
How to Cite
Wilhelms, L. (2024). «We believe only in what is well told». Narrative negotiations of postfactual discourse in «Blanco nocturno» by Ricardo Piglia. ACTIO NOVA: Revista De Teoría De La Literatura Y Literatura Comparada, (Monográfico 7), 55–88.


The article analyses Ricardo Piglia’s crime novel Blanco nocturno (2010) in the context of the post-truth era, arguing that Piglia’s work explores the economic and political background of a growing culture of mistrust towards official truths. It highlights the role of neoliberalism in the emergence of this post-truth culture and how economic processes, such as financialization and globalisation, can lead to an epistemological crisis. The novel Blanco nocturno is a prime example of how individuals who cling to the promises of modernity can adopt a paranoid attitude in the tension between supposed freedom and actual loss of control.


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