Monográfico 6 (2023). Instancias de agencia y agonismo en la literatura negroafricana postcolonial: (trans)formaciones y (trans)mutaciones.

Women travelers in english-speaking african literatures: promoters and narrators of change

Federico Vivanco
Universidad de Málaga
Published December 30, 2023


African literature, African women authors, women travelers, agency, motherhood
How to Cite
Vivanco, F. (2023). Women travelers in english-speaking african literatures: promoters and narrators of change. ACTIO NOVA: Revista De Teoría De La Literatura Y Literatura Comparada, (Monográfico 6), 1–18.


The invisible pens of postcolonial black African women authors have witnessed the change that has taken place in women in the private and public spheres and in the development of the new African states or "nations". The journeys that women undertook from the countryside to the city and the vicissitudes in their introduction into urban life have marked the first generation of women authors of the sixties years of the last century. Some of their literary heirs of the second and third generations became ambassadors of a literature written in the diaspora and in exile. Regardless of their geographical location, their displacements - rural or national - have enabled them to acquire their own agency and to challenge the institution of marriage, motherhood, their anonymous participation in armed conflicts, ostracism, stigmatization, among other adversities.


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