No. 6 (2022)

The Twilight Hero as mythic archetype in contemporary epic fantasy. Geralt of Rivia, between light and darkness

Antonio Castro Balbuena
Investigador independiente
Published December 29, 2022


archetypal criticism, hero, character, epic fantasy, Geralt of Rivia
How to Cite
Castro Balbuena, A. (2022). The Twilight Hero as mythic archetype in contemporary epic fantasy. Geralt of Rivia, between light and darkness. ACTIO NOVA: Revista De Teoría De La Literatura Y Literatura Comparada, (6), 54–82.


The objective of this essay is to define the core archetype of the prototypic protagonist in contemporary epic fantasy. To accomplish that, we will use Jung’s archetypes theory as a basis, to which we will add a revised vision of the hero in the society of today, the concept of mythologem, the concept of monomyth and Sellier’s heroic solar cycle, as well as various observations extracted from examples of epic fantasy characters. Once this archetype, called twilight hero, has been drawn, we will analyze Geralt of Rivia as a character to demonstrate the applicability of our theories.


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