No. 5 (2021)

The Game of Unlimited drift

Claudia Sofía Benito Temprano
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Published December 28, 2021


reception, reading, literacy, Literary interpretation
How to Cite
Benito Temprano, C. S. (2021). The Game of Unlimited drift. ACTIO NOVA: Revista De Teoría De La Literatura Y Literatura Comparada, (5), 255–284.


The following paper seeks to reflect upon different questions regarding literary interpretation. From an educational perspective as well as a theoretical point of view, this essay will revisit some of the primary considerations that should be taken into account by anyone willing to teach others how to read literarily; that is, semantics and pragmatics, as well as ethics ?matters that bias individuals when creating the meaning in literary reading. Meanwhile, the author will attempt to remark the value of using texts instead of just interpreting them.


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