Monográfico 5 (2021): Literatura y traducción

Brief reflections on the problems of translation in Jacques Lacan

Manuel Asensi Pérez
Universitat de València-Estudi General
Published December 28, 2021


forclusion, repression, unconscious, Theory of Translation, Lacan, Psychoanalysis
How to Cite
Asensi Pérez, M. (2021). Brief reflections on the problems of translation in Jacques Lacan. ACTIO NOVA: Revista De Teoría De La Literatura Y Literatura Comparada, (Monográfico 5), 56–72.


Translation is an essential dimensión in Lacan’s work. It combines the difficulty of translating his mannerist style into other languages, and the practice of translation carried out by Lacan himself, especially in relation to Freud, but also in relation to other authors such Poe, Sophocles, Plato, Joyce, and a long etcetera. In this work, three concepts that have great importance within Lacanian theory have been taken as a point of reference: unterdrückt, verdrängt and Verwerfung. One of the theses that maintained throughout the following pages is that the relationship between unterdrückt and verdrängt it is not only a lexical or semantic problema, but that translation is present as one of the constitutive elements of the unconscious. Hence the importance of that topic. On the other hand, the term Verwerfung posed two types of problems: one for Lacan when he assimilated freudian texts, and another for the Spanish (or English, etc) translators of the same term


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