No. 5 (2021)

Enclaves of lyricism in “vaginal” essayism of Ángel Antonio Herrera. Investigations in "Mujeres, mujeres"

Diego Vadillo López
Published December 28, 2021


Mujeres, mujeres, Francisco Umbral, journalist, lyricism, Ángel Antonio Herrera
How to Cite
Vadillo López, D. (2021). Enclaves of lyricism in “vaginal” essayism of Ángel Antonio Herrera. Investigations in "Mujeres, mujeres". ACTIO NOVA: Revista De Teoría De La Literatura Y Literatura Comparada, (5), 118–132.


Ángel Antonio Herrera is a Spanish journalist and poet who reached his peak of public notoriety in the nineties, mainly appearing in the yellow press as a commentator, interviewer and chronicler. However, his purely literary trajectory, mainly focused on a poetic creation of great lyrical strength, has been buried by his journalistic trajectory. However, both have been related by the lyrical impetus of Herrera, who has always transferred findings more typical of the poetic orb to his columns and journalistic essays. As he himself has acknowledged, he learned from his teacher Francisco Umbral. An example of this is his book Mujeres, mujeres (1992). In this book he makes a series of portraits of different models, actresses or writers, interspersed with a large number of lyrical resources that contribute to give a greater aesthetic-literary value to the whole.


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