No. 5 (2021)

In search of the lost mystery: Spirituality in the Poetry of David Pujante

Adrián Velasco Sainz
Universidad de Valladolid
Published December 28, 2021


cultural tradition, vital navigation, poetry, spirituality, David Pujante
How to Cite
Velasco Sainz, A. (2021). In search of the lost mystery: Spirituality in the Poetry of David Pujante. ACTIO NOVA: Revista De Teoría De La Literatura Y Literatura Comparada, (5), 1–28.


This work draws a discursive and diachronic line through the poetry of David Pujante (Cartagena, 1953) in order to help glimpse some of the thousand faces of the rich and complex polyhedron that represents his spirituality in its consolidated (in extension, space and time) poetic creation. In other words, a journey is carried out along the poetic and vital evolution of our author using his spiritual feeling as a guiding thread and delving into some poetic ideas that gravitate around this feeling and that at the same time make it up.


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