Monográfico 2 (2018): Retórica del humor: Perspectivas desde la Retórica Cultural.

The humour in some discourse sequences as a result of the lack of lexical agreement

Ana Sanz Tordesillas
IES Palas Atenea. Torrejón de Ardoz (Madrid)
Published December 1, 2018


Generative lexicon therory, sublexical information,, lexical combination, lexical agreement, humour
How to Cite
Sanz Tordesillas, A. (2018). The humour in some discourse sequences as a result of the lack of lexical agreement. ACTIO NOVA: Revista De Teoría De La Literatura Y Literatura Comparada, (2), 21–43.


Words carry sublexical meaning within themselves, that is, certain sublexical features which allow them or prevent them from agreeing with other words, and, consequently, determining whether these words can be combined. The Generative Lexicon Theory describes how words’ sublexical information is organised, also what are the existing possible mechanisms for combination, and how these combinations sometimes result in new meanings and/or senses. The lack of lexical agreement between words or forcing two words into agreement to generate new senses sometimes result in impossible discourse sequences causing a good laugh.


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