No. 6 (2022): MetalEspaña 2020/2021. III Congreso de Conservación y Restauración del Patrimonio Metálico

The set of bronze statuettes from Tomb no. 14, Oxirrinco (El-Bahnasa), Egypt

Published May 11, 2023


arqueología, egipto, oxirrinco, osiris, bronce, restauración de campo
How to Cite
Burgaya Martínez, B. (2023). The set of bronze statuettes from Tomb no. 14, Oxirrinco (El-Bahnasa), Egypt. Anejos a Cuadernos De Prehistoria Y Arqueología, (6).


During the excavation campaign of 2005, in the site of Oxyrhynchus (Egypt), in the high Necropolis of that city, specifically in Tomb 14 of Saite chronology (XXVI dynasty, 664-525 BP), a heterogeneous set of statuettes (56 elements) of copper alloy, mostly dedicated to the god Osiris (Pons Mellado et al., 2020) appeared. Due to the idiosyncrasy of the site, its location and the scheduling of its excavation by the multidisciplinary team currently led by Dr. Esther Pons Mellado and Dr. Maite Mascort Roca, the restoration and study of these statuettes has been carried out during several campaigns (Burgaya Martínez, 2015).
We present here an analysis of their state of conservation and main pathologies, the methodology used in their treatment, the complete result of the restoration process, a study of the manufacturing systems of the pieces and their iconographic study.


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