No. 6 (2022): MetalEspaña 2020/2021. III Congreso de Conservación y Restauración del Patrimonio Metálico

Conservation. Methodological proposal for a practical case in the Portico Oriental of the Plaza de Armas in Mad?nat al-Zahr? (Córdoba)

Published May 11, 2023


conservación preventiva, extracción, hierro, madera, Madīnat al-Zahrā, Plaza de Armas
How to Cite
Muñoz Matute, I. C., & del Pino Campos, A. (2023). Conservation. Methodological proposal for a practical case in the Portico Oriental of the Plaza de Armas in Mad?nat al-Zahr? (Córdoba). Anejos a Cuadernos De Prehistoria Y Arqueología, (6).


The General Research Project (PGI), “Plaza de Armas de Mad?nat al-Zahr? (PArm)”, in the central public sector, begins excavation campaigns in 2017. In the third excavation campaign (2019) a series of iron fragments and wood remains appear — the vast majority charred —, that could belong to a doorjamb.
After emergency interventions at the site and its subsequent transfer to the Museum, a first assessment of the state of conservation of the extracted fragments is carried out; on the basis of which a proposal for the necessary scientific-technical studies is formulated and the methodology to be followed in the different phases of work is established.
The characteristics of the object of intervention make the formation of a multidisciplinary team and the collaboration between restorer and archaeologist especially important. In the fall of 2019 these works will begin.


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