No. 6 (2022): MetalEspaña 2020/2021. III Congreso de Conservación y Restauración del Patrimonio Metálico

The treasure of silver coins from the taifa of the 11th century found in Jaen in 1914: restoration process

Published May 11, 2023


numismática, taifas siglo xi, fracciones de dírham, conservación y restauración de monedas
How to Cite
Canto García, A. J., JabłoŃska, W., & Pardo Naranjo, A. I. (2023). The treasure of silver coins from the taifa of the 11th century found in Jaen in 1914: restoration process. Anejos a Cuadernos De Prehistoria Y Arqueología, (6).


In the review the collection of Arab-Islamic coins of the Institute Valencia de Don Juan de Madrid, a
large batch of 1,500 small silver coins, fractions of dirham, from the 11th century was located. It was very similar in size and composition to the only similar known: the Jaen’s Hoard, published by Antonio Prieto y Vives in 1914. A search for types and comparison of the images published by Prieto, and the imprints of the hoard, preserved in the Instituto archives with the physical coins led us to conclude that it was the same set.
For its definitive study, a restoration process was carried out in the Teaching Laboratory of the Department of Prehistory and Archeology of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, the first time that a hoard of these characteristics was studied in their whole. The interest of this study lies in being the largest set of Taifa’s period coins of these characteristics known and subjected to a documented restoration process that has had to document the characteristics of the coins of the 11th century, different from what is known about the caliphal coins, of the 10th.


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