No. 3 (2018): Homenaje a la profesora Isabel Rubio de Miguel

Notes on the Iron Age (1300 – 400 B.C.) in Dehistan (Turkmenistan)

Joaquín María Córdoba
Departamento de Historia Antigua, Medieval, Paleografía y Diplomática. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
Published January 17, 2019


Central Asia, Iron Age, adobe platforms, Geoktchik depe, Izat Kuli, proto-city
How to Cite
Córdoba, J. M. (2019). Notes on the Iron Age (1300 – 400 B.C.) in Dehistan (Turkmenistan). Anejos a Cuadernos De Prehistoria Y Arqueología, (3), 213–222.


The modern identification of Marhaši with the Merv region, has demonstrated the necessary integration of History and Archeology of Central Asia in the Antiquity of the Near and Middle East. Also there, as in other parts of such immense space, the Iron Age reveals itself as a the time of special importance. Because then the states then integrated by the Achaemenian monarchs developed. Dehistan seems the main heart of one of these states. The excavations that are carried out in two sites of the region seem to throw some evidences.


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